Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

CARE provides Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) for organizations. EAP is part of the overall Employee Health Program that organizations offer to their employees.

The four pillars of EAP

CARE works according to the following principles:

  1. Confidentiality: all information between CARE and its clients is strictly confidential
  2. Neutrality: CARE works as an independent party
  3. Accessibility: every employee can participate in the EAP
  4. Voluntary: participation in EAP is voluntary

Features CARE EAP

Services are delivered fully customized:

  • Possible In-house model, we are present in the workplace
  • Brief Intervention: 1-3 sessions
  • Possibility of prolonged intervention in one of our offices
  • Prevention and intervention activities for individuals and groups
  • Referral to a large network of other professionals (lawyers, financial services, physical therapists, social workers etc)  in Suriname

EAP scope

Within the EAP many problems can be addressed:

  1. Personal problems, including: anxiety, depression, stress and burnout, eating disorders, aggression regulation and sleep problems.
  2. Family Issues: parenting issues, relationship problems, domestic violence, adoption issues and specific disorders such as ADHD.
  3. Work-related issues: Fatigue, work-related illness, conflicts with an officer or employee, time management, stress at work, unhealthy communication
  4. Lifestyle-related problems in the areas of health, communication, personal effectiveness, alcohol and drug use and money problems.
    CARE currently provides EAP in Suriname.